National doppler radar weather map

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Your input will greatly assist others in teaching the 'hows' and 'whys' of weather. We welcome your feedback on this project. You are free to use the materials in any manner you wish. Interspersed in JetStream are 'Learning Lessons' which can be used to enhance the educational experience. The information contained in JetStream is arranged by subject, beginning with global and large-scale weather patterns followed by lessons on air masses, wind patterns, cloud formations, thunderstorms, lightning, hail, damaging winds, tornados, tropical storms, cyclones, and flooding. Credit: Jeff Schmaltz, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Land Rapid Response Team, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). High resolution version of this NASA image: select link to enlarge image (~2 mb). As the winds are diverted around the high areas, turbulence is created, and the disturbance in the flow continues downstream in the form of rows of vortices that alternate their direction of rotation. In this case, driving wind rushes past the tall peaks on the rugged Canary Islands. National Centers for Environmental Prediction.Preparedness and Mitigation: Individuals (You!).Preparedness and Mitigation: Communities.The Positive and Negative Side of Lightning.

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